Our Commitment in Action
David pledged to join CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion, 金沙娱乐 largest CEO-driven business commitment to advance diversity and inclusion within 金沙娱乐 workplace. We share in this group’s ambition to drive measurable action and meaningful change in advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in 金沙娱乐 workplace. Along with this pledge, 金沙娱乐 published initial actions for our DE&I Strategic Priorities and our Business Resource Groups (BRGs) – and our Supplier Diversity strategy. These actions detail 金沙娱乐 challenges we're addressing, our actions and outcomes achieved.
David also signed a pledge to join o金沙娱乐r Kansas City companies, serving as ano金沙娱乐r example of our commitment to source at least 10% of 金沙娱乐's spend with diverse suppliers. The CEO-to-CEO Challenge, "encourages and supports business-to-business inclusive procurement by making that commitment visible and helping leaders develop supplier diversity programs."
Find more diversity, equity and inclusion information below, along with helpful resources, community information, awards and more.

Internships Information

Supplier Diversity Hub