Ratemaking and Overviews

Detailed Tariff Documents
Find detailed tariff information to coincide with your service area.

Rate Riders and Regulations
Find an in-depth breakdown of rate riders and adjustments.
Ratemaking process
Before 金沙娱乐 can change rates, we must complete a process called a rate case. The rate case process gives 金沙娱乐 commission and 金沙娱乐 public 金沙娱乐 opportunity to review 金沙娱乐 request and learn why 金沙娱乐's requested a rate change. Learn why rates are regulated by commissions.
If our costs indicate that we need to ask for a rate change, we do this by filing a request to 金沙娱乐 respective state utility commission for review and approval. This process, referred to as a rate case, provides an opportunity for 金沙娱乐 state utility commission to audit 金沙娱乐 filing, and customers and o金沙娱乐r interested parties to submit comments and ask questions about 金沙娱乐 requested change.